The Eleventh Step Meditation is the familiar and well loved practice that began in 2011 and became the inspired creation of Recovery Nidra


Many people experienced happiness, and healing, many reported emotional stability in stressful situations. We took note. We did the research. We did the work.


The happiness was contagious. Over a decade, Eleventh Step Meditation grew into an effective program for lasting change. Loved by many.



Eleventh Step Meditation

Eleventh Step Meditation

No words can legitimately describe the well loved and deeply personal experience of the ‘Eleventh Step Meditation

Practicing step 11 we secure freedom and happiness through felt experience. Recovery Nidra and step 11 are elegantly intertwined

“The recovery nidra that you have on YouTube really is a miracle for me. I started drinking when I was 14 and the grace of the universe led me to your video. I honestly don’t know how I stopped drinking but the clarity of mind and serenity that I experienced during and after recovery nidra was so fulfilling in comparison to the sensations I felt when I was drinking”

David Morgan Teacher - Illinois


“Deep inner release is a spiritual path in and of itself,
It is the path of non resistance, the path of acceptance, the path of surrender”


“Deep inner release is a spiritual path in and of itself. It is the path of non resistance, the path of acceptance, the path of surrender”

[From The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer]

Know Yourself Complete and Whole

Soak in the warm bath of Recovery Nidra and meet the peace inside yourself.

A Life Changing Meditation Practice

Recovery, resilience and serenity arise naturally, along with your spiritual unfolding.

Perhaps the greatest reward of meditation is…happiness

The sense of belonging that comes to us. We are no longer lost and purposeless. We begin to see truth, justice and happiness as a real part of our life*

[*From Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions]

Perhaps the greatest rewards of meditation is…

The sense of belonging that comes to us. we are no longer lost and purposeless. We begin to see truth, justice and happiness, as a real part of out life.


Perhaps one of the greatest rewards of meditation…

Is the sense of belonging that comes to us. We are no longer lost and purposeless. We begin to see truth, justice and happiness, as real aspects of our life.


Begin your healing journey here

Begin your healing journey here.

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“We will want the good that is in all of us, even the worst of us to flower and grow. Most certainly we will want sunlight, nothing much can grow in the dark. Meditation is our step out into the sun. How then shall we meditate” -Bill Wilson