Welcome To The Most Effective Meditation Program For Recovery

Welcome to the most effective meditation program for recovery

To inspire freedom and aliveness in all people effected by addiction

A Life-Changing Meditation Program for Recovery

A life-changing meditation program for Recovery

Developed over a decade of study & research. Based on ancient meditation techniques and the success of the time tested twelve step program.

NuMind C.I.C.

A non-profit organization existing to benefit the recovery community, shaped and driven by community purpose

What people are saying…

“I have been doing your Recovery Nidra on your You Tube for the last 7 years, it has changed my life for the better and I have recently started teaching yoga at an outpatient rehab.” David – L.A.

We did the 10th step Recovery Nidra on YouTube this morning, a floodgate of tears opened. it was a spiritual event. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful gift!”
Selina – Florida

“I want to send my deepest thanks to you for this amazing practice. I have been praying for return of faith and contentment. You have helped to bring me to a higher place of peace.” Carol – Florida

eleventh step meditation

Begin your healing journey here

Step One – Surrender

Step Two – Believe

Step Three- Intention

Recovery Nidra is a series of 12 progressive meditation practices, each advancing on the one before.

Growing in influence over defeating thoughts and unwanted behaviors.

Practiced over 12 days, 12 weeks or 12 months, you decide.

Each comes with its own special intention derived from the 12 step recovery program, made up of the time honored yoga Nidra meditation of the ancients.

Modified for this generation. Maintaining the core promise of lasting happiness

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